Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Taste like chicken?

Who knows? Who cares? I'm not about to find out. Tonight, I shot PePe LePew. I have been waiting on his return. After the earlier sightings, I brought home a choice weapon for the job. We haven't seen him till this past weekend. Cole was riding his bike into the garage and came running back out. Apparently, the skunk was in the garage. Evan saw him later rounding the house. Well, I was on the front porch tonight talking to Gary Griffith. Holly ran out to tell me that the skunk was on the patio. I grabbed my gun and headed to the back yard. Luckily, I got caught up with him before he made it to the tall grass. I fired a warning shot and took him on the second shot. Needless to say, it's kinda stinky outside right now. Good thing the wind is out of the west. I am hoping some deranged animal will eat him tonight. But, not me!


Uncle Bob said...

Way to to. Though Jed hit crude you hit pew. Anyway, when you skin him out my hat size is 8.

Unknown said...

You might look around. Rick thought he had one and went out to take care of it and found her coming out with five babies.

J Michl said...

Warning shot???? You sure about that??

Ashley and Evan said...

YES!!! We were just talking about your skunk last night. We could smell one outside our garage...hey, wait a second, maybe that skunk smell of yours was drifting down to Texas!