Sunday, March 1, 2009

Don't Glitter!

This week when it was warm, the boys and I took a walk up our road. Ross said to me, "Mom, why do people glitter?!" I tried very hard to keep a straight face. It was so cute.

On the way home he said, "We should pick up some of this glitter." and he did, he filled the bottom of the stroller with trash from our road. I am so proud of his stewardship.
So think twice before you litter....Ross has his eye on you.

(The above pic is not of our road, thankfully it wasn't that bad.)


Sara B. said...

That is tooo weird, you put this on your blog...I have been wanting to talk about glittering also!!

Ross has a good saying here...pick up the liter to make your world glitter!!!hehehe

I hate to see people liter and I think I could open a aluminum recycle at our house with all the cans I see down the road.

Ashley and Evan said...

I can't tell you how many cigarette butts come flying at my windshield every morning from people throwing them out their car windows. That is a huge pet peeve of mine. It's glittering...don't these people know that???

Amber M said...

He is so smart to say this at his age. In Mattoon, along route 16 driving from Cracker Barrel to the little mall there is so much trash there. I just noticed it yesterday. Don't we have some people in jail that can come clean all of the litter up?

I also agree with Ashley, I hate when I see people throwing their cigerette butts out when they are driving in front of me....or when they those them anywhere for that matter.

Sarah D said...

I will never see trash along the road again and not think of it as "glitter"!

Do you think it counts as glittering if you throw out cans along Dick Miller's route?

hncfarley said...

Amber, I think you hit the nail on the head.Those deliquents should be really putting in their time.
Sarah, that is called contributing to a good cause. Chad says he probably doesn't need to pick up cans but it must be extra income, he picks up a lot of cans! He should bike down my road. Our old neighbor on Clayton Avenue saves bags of cans for him and then that crazy trash lady steels them:)