Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 3

This was supposed to be an easy day, but it was very eventful. We started out the day at the pool. Luke was not a big fan. He liked the pool, but did not want to be held. Bad combo for a little guy that can't swim. The big boys really weren't in the mood to swim for some reason. We ended up watching these two ducks get it on in the deep end till some old guy broke them up.

We went to Disney's Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue in the afternoon. This was a real treat. We all really enjoyed the show. Big shout out to the Cucinalla's for the recommendation. The boys had a blast and we were all laughing the entire show. Even Luke seemed to be really entertained. I think it was the cute girl behind us that he kept checking out.

The day ended on kind of a sour note. Somebody broke into our truck and stole the GPS. Why? I don't know. They didn't take the power supply. They didn't take the Nintendo DS, the iPod, the digital camera, the DVD player or anything else. Maybe these crooks weren't the brightest. Anyway, we were able to get the glass replaced ASAP and the maintenance man at the hotel cleaned up all the broken glass. We are just lucky to have a great insurance agent! ;-)


lindemrm said...

Sound like an insurance scam. I'm gonna tell your agent they should investigate.

Uncle Bob said...

Everyone knows you can't trust your insurance agent

Sarah D said...

....hard to breath.......hard to type.....so many comments......can't leve any of them.....

Unknown said...

It was a great day! The only bad part was the breakin. It could have been much worse. I guess they liked your truck better than our car.
The hoop de doo revue was awesome. We really loved it.
Love you

Sara B. said...

the break in stinks.....but looks like you guys had a great time! Now Brayden says he wants to go see 'HIS" Mickey Mouse.