Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Go Cardinals!
Posted by hncfarley at 3:58 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
"Chicken-T-I" Anyone?
The boys took swimming lessons with Mallory Bolander last week and below are a couple of pics.
Mallory asked me if I gave the boys swim lessons and reminded me that I gave her swimming lessons. I felt a tiny bit old. However, I started reminiscing about all my years(9) at the pool and all the fun I had. I worked with some really fun people and gave a lot of kids swimming lessons! I even gave Lea Cummins swimming lessons, so that makes me partially responsible for her recent success as a lifeguard, right?
I looked through some old photos of pool days and decided to post a picture I found. The bottom picture is a preschool class from July 1994, know any of these little cuties? They are all sophomores in college now. I have even taught one of them! Recognize anyone?
Posted by hncfarley at 3:07 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
More Teeth!?!
Luke's top two front teeth broke through his gums today. In the past two weeks he has gotten his bottom front two and a molar trying to break through and now these two.
I am not up on teeth but I don't remember the other boys getting them so quickly and all at once.....Maybe my two good friends who know a lot about teeth, you know who you are Kelly Hemrich and Sara Bergbower, will leave a comment on this one.
Needless to say he has been a little grumpy but not too bad. I have heard if they loose teeth early they have greater chance of cavaties and problems. I am hoping that getting the little ones early doesn't mean something bad in our future.
Posted by hncfarley at 9:41 PM 8 comments
Great Book
I rented this book recently from the library and recommend it. The book is titled "Hope's Boy." It is a memoir, which I must admit, if it isn't something to do with nursing, I stick to fiction. However, I read a review of this book and thought I would give it a try.
I couldn't put it down! It is about a boy who grew up in the foster system. It is sad but I now have a new understanding of foster care. I even wanted to be a foster parent,if only for a minute(Chad brought me back to reality), and give a kid more. It is so unfair that all kids can't have wonderful families to love them.
Just thought I would share.
Posted by hncfarley at 9:27 AM 5 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Newton City Pool
I joined the other housewives for a day at the pool last Thursday. Here are a few shots of the boys going off the boards. The only time that they weren't on the boards was during the break time. Cole is actually old enough to join his friends at the pool, alone and without us. How sad! Of course, Ross surprised us with a forward flip off the high dive and a running forward flip off the low dive. He doesn't have that little voice inside his head that says to be careful.
Posted by hncfarley at 11:52 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My First Car?
Yesterday on our way home from swimming lessons Ross announces that when he is old enough to drive, he wants a Taxi because they are "Super Fast". He follows this statement with a question, "Right mom?"
I told him that I thought they were really just as fast as most cars and trucks so he might want to pick something else. Unless he is considering using it to make money and pitch in with the bills or pay for college....maybe he is on the right track.
Posted by hncfarley at 9:10 PM 5 comments
Ross's (And Cole & Luke's) Big Day!!
Last fall for Cole's birthday we went to Evansville to Chuck E. Cheese's and the Build-A-Bear workshop. I was VERY pregnant and didn't want to mess with a party. It was fun and something good for a November birthday. We had origionally planned a pool party for Ross's birthday because it is hot and we have a pool. But he informed us that he wanted to do what Cole did for his birthday(of course).
So Saturday was his official birthday and we took off for Evansville. Since we had his party with family and had his cake that night we thought he should get to blow out a candle on his birthday. Most of you know that Ross LOVES oatmeal cream pies, if we are out he asks me if I have put them on the grocery list and then asks constantly why I haven't been to the store to buy more. So his day started off good. Luke was great the whole day and we had no major meltdowns, which was amazing!
We all had a good time at Chuck E. Cheese. We ruled the Skee ball!!
Ross got a $3 coupon in the mail from Toys r Us so we let him use it to pick out something for his birthday. He picked out this "Nerf" shooter deal, it is a little dangerous, the box says 8+. He begged and said that Parker Eaton has it so he wants it too. So far no one has been hurt and nothing at my house has been damaged.
Note the red shoes in the picture below. Those had to be purchased in Evansville at the beginning of the day. We got half-way to Olney and I turned around to find he was wearing his nice shorts outfit(that we agreed on the night before)and rubber boots! No socks even. He said,"What?, I couldn't find my other sandle." (I found it this week in the pantry???)
They took the animals they got from Build-a-Bear in the Fall and got them each a new outfit. Now they are both ready for Halloween.
This is Spiderman and his assistant spiderdog. By day is under cover as "Peter Barker"(Chad thought of that)
Posted by hncfarley at 8:56 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Congratulations, Lea!
Last night, Lea was recognized for her life-saving abilities. The girl's got skills. Check out Nancy's blog. It comes complete with story and picture. Congratulations, Lea! We are very proud of you!
Posted by hncfarley at 7:33 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Allergic to Broccoli???
Chad has always joked that he is "Allergic"to Broccoli therefore cannot eat it. I confirmed with his mother that he truly is not allergic but it is his excuse for not liking it. A few weeks ago I made steamed Broccoli for supper and made all the boys eat it, even Chad. Well, Ross tried but he could not swallow it. It reminded me of the Survivor episodes where they have to eat bugs and chickens and stuff, alot of gagging involved. We definitely voted him out after puking it back onto his plate. So he was telling people that he was allergic to Broccoli and I kept telling him that he wasn't allergic he just didn't like it. So over the week-end Ross and I were having the conversation again and he said to me, " Why can't I be allergic to Broccoli, I really want to be!?"
Posted by hncfarley at 9:07 PM 10 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Ross is five years old today! Can you believe it? We had his party on Thursday, so here are some pictures. I woke up yesterday to the Black Spiderman. What a way to go! Today, we are going to Chucky Cheese, Toys 'r Us, Build-a-bear, etc., in Evansville. Happy Birthday!
Posted by hncfarley at 7:51 AM 6 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Well, Luke had a big week-end. He got his first tooth that broke through on the bottom gums! I hate to get all sappy like my friend Jamee, but time is going so fast! I love this picture of us. I really think he looks like me. A nice lady at church on Sunday(Rosalie Watkins)who knows my grandpa said that he is definately a Bunton. Thanks Rosalie. I also love that he is soooo chubby and you can see it in this picture.
Posted by hncfarley at 11:19 AM 6 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Hemrich Family
Captain Kelly and her band of merry men brought over some bumper boats last Tuesday. The boys had fun hunting for snapping turtles. Luckily, nobody lost any body parts.
Posted by hncfarley at 7:56 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Holiday World Anyone?
You guessed it. Like everyone else in our area, we made our annual pilgrimage to the local mecca, Holiday World. Here are a couple action shots of Holly and Cole on the swings and Ross on the cotton candy. I'll have more pictures when we develop the water camera. Should be some good shots of Ross & Cole hitting the slides. Cole rode his first real roller coaster, The Legend. However, I don't have any pictures because he rode it with Holly. Lucky for me, he was too scared to ride The Raven with me.
Posted by hncfarley at 9:49 PM 0 comments