Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Got Milk?

Here is a cute one of Luke. That is "Yo Baby" yogurt he is sporting, not really milk, but this wasn't intentional.
So that brings me to a personal frustration lately. FEEDING babies! I just don't like to do it. If I had to say one thing I dislike the very most (Hate is such a strong word) it would be that. It is so messy and he is constantly sticking fingers in his mouth or trying to grab the spoon and getting the food in his hair and ears...... I also did not like this task when Cole and Ross were babies. I cannot wait til he can feed himself.
Of course Chad thinks I am nuts and the job isn't that bad, however he only feeds him about 10% of the time!
So lets take a poll, what is the thing you dislike the most about raising babies/kids? Come on, let out your own frustrations.


Sarah D said...

Breastfeeding. I know it is supposed to be some magical experience that bonds you with your child, and I did not not enjoy it, but it was less than magical. I had no problems at all with it (this big girls were good for something), Jack was what one would call a grazer so we spent LOTS of time rocking in the chair, him eating.

I did it for 6 months with Jack and will shoot for that long with this one. It is really good for the baby, and SO much cheaper than buying formula.

I am NOT looking forward to all of the stuff that comes with it, pumps etc. and the fact that you are so restricted by where you can go, what you can and have to make all plans around the breastfeeding.

Wow, I may have talked myself out of it.

Ashley and Evan said...

Can I share my frustrations on raising Evan? It's almost like having a baby/kid, right?

Sara B. said...

I have to agree feeding a baby is a challenge and messy. Brayden still has to run his hands through his hair when he eats. (I guess we don't have to use as much hair gel that way) That drives me nuts though.

Unknown said...

I agree with the food, so who is going to feed hime this weekend. I am sure it is not Papaw. I also remember when Cole starting feeding himseld and it was not a good site, he would turn the bowl upside down on his head.
Love the picture. He is a sweetie.

DeAnn said...

He is so cute...I just want to squeeze him!

amberlindemann said...

am I the only one that votes for poop?

I'll feed them anyday. It's the product of feeding them that I hated.

HATED, yes, a strong word. HATED!

RJ was potty trained on his 2nd birthday, Heidi 6 weeks after hers. Seriously, it couldn't have come soon enough for us.

Sarah D said...

--not down with the cool baby food these days, what is Yo Baby yogurt?

Yogurt just for babies? How does Luke like it?

Is it with the other yogurt?

Jamee said...

I HATE washing bottles. I love the Dr. Browns bottles, but they are such a pain in the rear to wash.

aczumbahlen said...

Since I am potty training right now I must say that it sucks! And Kashtyn and Hope have done most of it. I have weekends though and even though Hadley is doing well, I hate the task, and I mean TASK(just one more thing for me to try and remember)of remembering to ask her every hour or so if she needs to go. I would much rather change her diapers. I realize that as she gets bigger, so will the poop, so I guess I should be glad that so far....she is doing great!

Jyn said...

The lack of sleep. I do not think I would have minded the baby stage so much if I could have remembered it. I think I was a zombie most of the time. I prayed for 3 hrs in a row and still do some nights. Wade used to say that he was going to put a scarecrow in the chair with a wig and trick Parker into thinking I was in the room.

hncfarley said...

Sarah- Yo Baby yogurt is with the other yogurt at Wally. It is different flavors or you can get it with fruit and cereal. It is organic(the only organic thing he eats)and has the RHA/DHA stuff. It is designed for 6months plus. I think it is pretty new. Luke loves it.
Amber-How in the hell did get your kids potty trained so early. YOu better be prepared to share your secrets!

Uncle Bob said...

One more reason why I, Tim K. Farley, do not have small children.