Friday, February 19, 2010

Dave Bunton

As most of you know, Papaw David has a sarcoma in the back of his stomach and a couple of spots on his lungs. For those of you that don't know, a sarcoma is the dreaded "c" word. The one is his back is right on his nerves and has been causing him a lot of pain and the loss of use of one of his legs. Times have been very tough for him, but he is strong and he is going to beat it. He started radiation treatments this week. He does radiation five days a week for five weeks and then they will do surgery to remove it and the spots on his lungs. These next several weeks are going to be very hard on him and really take their toll. Please pray for him that they will be able to treat him and that he will have a successful recovery and that it won't come back. And for those of you that have already been praying for him and for all the offers of help, thank you very much and may God bless you.


Betsy R said...

Sending prayers your way. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Sarah D said...

Love, prayers, good wishes, and positive thoughts continue to go out to you all.

kellyhemrich said...

Prayers to your whole family.

Luke's Folks said...

Damn cancer. Praying hard.