Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Natural Disaster

I am feeling like we have a natural disaster at the Farley household. LUKE is a disaster! Cute, but a walking (more like running) disaster!! He constantly goes from one mess to another and into so many things that he should not be into. I vaguely remembered toddlerhood with the other two and I don't remember it being this bad. Maybe I am just older and more tired.
Any tricks would be appreciated. Some legal way to keep him tied up?


Uncle Bob said...
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Uncle Bob said...

Sounds like Luke has a full blown case of Bob. God love him. There are no tricks there are no shortcuts. You stand back and marvel. Had thought Ross had the special Bob gene. And he may. What is special to Bob, is those many, many special genes. Did I tell you about the time I melt a plastic rake burning leaves??? Was last week.

Unknown said...

He is a SMART and cute baby, because Dad and I have said for sometime he has all your numbers. He pulls your strings. Having both my boys after 30, I think you are probably having less patience and now he is hearing no all the time.
I promise it will get better.
Have patience. He is a healthy happy boy.
Love you all

Ashley and Evan said...

Oh no, he's got a case of the Bob? This doesn't sound good. This doesn't sound good at all!