Sunday, June 29, 2008

Swim Party

The boys had over Gabe to swim last week. They had a blast! Looks like Gabe got a little sun, but I swear they used sunscreen. Holly is like the sunscreen nazi around here. I guess that comes with being a lifeguard and growing up at the pool. I wouldn't know as I lived in the country. We didn't have pools. We had ponds and big snapping turtles.


Ashley and Evan said...

Is this almost like the time Holly remembered to put paint shirts on the kids at church? :=)

hncfarley said...

Ha Ha Ash, this time I really remembered.
Chad gives me a hard time about the sunscreen thing, but I say when they are 55 and look 45 they will thank me! No one is getting that skin cancer on my watch.

Sarah D said...

Did Chad also have to walk 10 miles to school in the snow uphill both ways?

Gabe sure makes a lot of blog appearances. Maybe his Mom needs to start one of her own!