Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Well, we wrapped up VBS at The First Baptist Church. This was the second year that Dawn White(see photo below)and I did crafts. We made birdhouses this year because our theme was "God's Big Back Yard." After the first day, we thought we may not be asked to do it again because we let the first and second graders paint WITHOUT paint shirts... what were we thinking? But on the second day, we were not greeted by angry parents and the rest of the week went smoothly. We had a great turnout and on one day it was rumored that we had 119 students and teachers... not too bad! Elly and Parker Eaton joined the Farley boys for the week and I think they all had a good time. The birdhouses actually turned out to be really cute. The kids got very creative, too. Some of them believed in the "less is more" theory. Others did not and put as much glitter, feathers, beads, etc. on their houses. I hope Jasper County doesn't find themselves with a dead bird epidemic.