Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Road Trip Alley?

Ok, here is my most recent rant. On the last nice day, well it was at least 35 degrees, I went for a run north on our road and there were so many beer cans!! I think that we must be a high traffic area for the "road trip." I know what you are thinking, I am worried about global warming and all of Al Gore's theories on our earth and how we should live......NO, I think Uncle Bob has cleared that one up for us(See "Uncle Bob's Take" at right, I would reference specific posts but it is too good, you should read them all.)
It is just very frustrating for me, I like to enjoy the outdoors and hate to see litter. Now as you know, it is not the beer that I have a problem with either, well maybe all the Busch cans....ick, but seriously there won't be a trash can where you end up??? You can't just collect them in your cooler and then throw them away or recycle them? And not only are there about 100 beer cans but also about 20 Polar Pop styrofoam drink cups that will not desintegrate or be picked up by someone who turns them in for cash. So until I take my boys down the road to pick up trash, I will have to look at them on every run! At least there is snow coming to cover it up.


Ashley and Evan said...

We noticed all of the beer boxes on the drive over from Dave and Glenda's. People are just lazy. There are trash cans all over the place. Had it not be 8 degrees at 3 o'clock in the morning I would have stopped and picked them up.

kellyhemrich said...

I thought there would be less trash in the "hood" after those neighbors to the south moved out of town???

DeAnn said...

Just thought I'd let you know you can find those shaving kits at Games n More in St. Louis....that's where Larry's Mom found ours, but there are similar ones at Target and Gordman's.