Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oldies, but Goodies

As you may have noticed, we have been down for awhile. I keep all of our pictures and video on an external hard drive. Well, it crashed and I have slowly been recovering and moving pictures. So, I look like Chevy Chase while I sit here looking at all these old pictures and crying. Anyway, till I get up to date, here are a couple pictures of the older boys. There really are some good ones. Too bad I don't have time to post them all.


susief said...
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susief said...

HOLY COW thought the first picture was Luke

Unknown said...

I can't believe how much Luke looks like the older boys. So cute!!!!
Love you

Sara B. said...

I am soooo with Susie, when I looked at the pics. I actually thought they were both LUKE!!! I have also been craving a good carmel apple and that one looked mighty tasty in that picture.