Friday, February 15, 2008

Look what happened!

Apparently, Evan's wife's name is Ashlie, formerly Hobza, always a Ho. Apparently, she also has a bad temper. My apologies. Hopefully, this will never happen again. I hear she is seeking counseling?


Ashley and Evan said...

Oh Farley, you wish those pathetic scabs on your face were from me!!! If I had gotten my hands on you no one would be able to recognize you. More than likely, those injuries are a result of your face hitting the keyboard as you posted this blog.

Hank, start the betting pool because Farley’s going down come canoe season.

Jamee said...

Chad, Larry the Cable guy wrote a song about you. The title is "Looking for love in all the wrong places", its about a guy who got a herpe in his eye.

Jamee said...

is it just me or does it look like Z is standing in the background just a litle over excited about Ashley kicking Chads ass?