Friday, January 16, 2009

Euchre Tournament!!!

Saturday night will mark the 15th anniversary of our annual euchre tournament. I must say that a lot of things have changed over the years, but not the faces. We started having the tournament at my parent's house when we were home from college for Christmas. Dad & Mom would cook all kinds of wild game for us to eat and we'd stuff our faces. Then, we would play cards in the shop that wasn't very well heated. We would beg/borrow/steal a wide array of heaters to keep the place warm because it was always super cold. We started out playing double elimination and would easily play until 4 in the morning. Needless to say, we weren't getting up with kids in the morning. We had the tournament at the Upper West Side a couple years because of bad roads and again, the heating problem. After a nasty peanut/popcorn/food fight, we weren't allowed to come back. Jill & Ben Bierman hosted the tournament for several years after my parents moved to the golf course and before we moved to the big house. Now that we are all old and married with kids, we don't play double elimination anymore. And, we don't have the big feed that my parents used to make for us. But, we still drink our fair share of beer and have a good time. Last year marked the first year that we hosted the tournament at our new house. I like to think that good times were had by all. I haven't kept track of all the winners and losers over the years, but it is safe to say that I have won my fair share. Hank Baltzell has also been crowned victorious several times. Whether or not you are a winner or a loser, you better bring your "A" game cause on Saturday night... It's on like Donkey Kong!


Sara B. said...

Sounds like a blast! I just learned how to play Euchre a few weekends ago. I never played card games much, but decided it was time to learn. I think I still have a lot more learning to do.

Have Fun!

Sarah D said...

AHHH the glory days in the Farley Family shed. I really had never heard of chucker (is that it) until then--I still think it may be a joke.

Hank and I were partners the year it was held at the Upper WSL. I think Holly and Melanie wanted to beat both of us up. We desereved it, but it was SO much fun!

I just KNOW this is my year, I think I have been coming since just about the start of this much anticipated event and I have never won. It could be that the more I drink, the worse card player I become.

Can't wait for tomorrow night!

hncfarley said...

Holly says: I was introduced to the tourney a year or two into it and I know Sarah has been there every year that I have. Ohhh what fun.
Man that West side lounge year was definately memorable, Sarah dumped a whole bunch of food when she fell down the stairs.....yes folks she has always been less than Graceful:)

Jamee said...

Jamee: I had the privlage of being introduced at the last Euchre Tournament held in the Farley Shed. I was Chad's partner, he didn't win that year, and I was scared shitless of him.
The year at the WSL was my fav, I was Wes's partner, so I was out really early. Better than the cards was listening to Hank ramble on and on about "his brother Matt selling John Deer Tractors". Poor Dave, I think he is nice to me because he feels sorry for me.

Sarah D said...

I forgot about Hank talking about Matt selling John Deere. I am about to pee my pants just thinking about that night.

kellyhemrich said...

I can't believe all the traffic on our road- It makes me want to move!!! I hope none of you "park" in our drive. MMmmm maybe Rob & I should go for a drive later!